Friday, his Russian friend came to the UK we took him to the National Gallery, which was interesting, but to be honest...I expected better, but the company made it cool. We had dinner at Frankie’s and then went to classical concert in a Church in Trafalgar Square where they played some of Mozart, Bach, Vivaldi and Handel. The church was lit by candlelight and the musicians were aaaaaamazing, I absolutely loved it!!! The weekend was pretty chilled out..but now its Monday..and the rat race begins once again...
Okkk, so on the ‘business’ side of things: I have a new subject this term called Contemporary Issues in Management – so far it seems pretty cool, I like it. We have to do an Essay on something that is in the headlines these days that is interesting and that has to be managed one way or another. I have been checking out some contemporary issues – I am going to present a few of them here:
This one would involve global issues, its pretty recent seeing as it happened today. Apparently 23 people died and 130 people were injured...a suicide bombing. I would have to analyse how the airport would manage this situation to get things up and running again and how to prevent such things from happening in the first place. Could be interesting...
This one is interesting too! Tuition fees are going to affect us all, not just the students. Do these protests make a well are police managing these protests – NOT WELL AT ALL!! I was there, and violence towards students who are just being peaceful is simply ridiculous and inhumane. How well have these protests been managed by the people actually organising them?
There’s also the Protests in Portugal..this is interesting to me seeing as I’m also Portuguese and lived there for 13 years. It seems Greece is also protesting – they have a good history with being successful in this, maybe we should learn from them?! Recession is causing major wage cuts – how is the government planning on managing this one?!
Now this one is juicy...spilt secrets...important secrets that organisations want to keep on the low. Firstly how does Wikileaks manage its information and how do corrupt organisations manage a crisis when all their dirty secrets are out in the open for everyone to see?! Hmm..
Of course there are many other things going on... I will have to keep an eye out and do my homework, hey?! :P
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