In my previous blog I mentioned the awesome group of friends that proves the effects of Globalization in the 21st Century and I mentioned Ice Skating – so yes we went to Hype Park, Winter Wonderland - it was AWESOME!!! Bearing in mind that in that group of friends I was the only one who hadn’t been Ice Skating before and there were 2 Russians who should really be amazing at this..however, I didn’t fall ONCE!! Yes, you read it right...I did not, but one of the Russians did..several times, this obviously makes me bubble with pride lol (not a huge achievement, but an achievement nonetheless). The unfortunate part of this was that I had the crappiest pair of skating shoes which left my feet with huge disgusting blisters that I still currently have (Eww, right?) But oh well...No Pain No Gain ! :D
The other thing I did this term, for the first time in my life was Paintballing! I’ve always wanted to do it! Not gonna lie...I was pretty scared, everyone who talks about it, goes on about how painful it is when you get shot, but that just means there was even more adrenaline and excitement!! We got there early at about 9am and we only finished at 4.30pm, it was a long, exhausting day but it was a great experience and I definitely recommend it to everyone. But I particularly recommend it to people who are competitive, and love to shoot the ... out of things without actually causing real harm of course :D but that’s the fun part. We got there, I was the team leader so I had to wait in a huge queue to get the paint balls and get everything organized, then it’s kind of like a product chain line as we get the full body clothing, and ‘bullet-proof’ vests, the bullet containers that look like kidneys, the helmets and of course the guns.
Below is a picture of us all kitted up :))
I also celebrated ThanksGiving for the first time in my life to make our American friends feel better about not being back home. That was an interesting experience; I really enjoy it and definitely wouldn’t mind incorporating it in my yearly traditions!
Anyway...the main point of all this is to show how going to University has allowed me to meet people from all around the World, people who are just like any of us, with the same fears, goals, insecurities, anxieties and desires. We have all been open minded in experiencing new things and new places which have provided us with memories for life!!!
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