
About Me!

Right so...I'm a new face here but I'm actually in my 3rd year now so new beginnings for me soon. I'm studying BA (Hons) Business Management and I'm not gonna lie - it's a lot harder than I ever imagined, which says a lot coming from someone with such a fertile imagination haha

It's weird looking back at when I first started Uni doing my first year and the challenges I had to face; then the new and different challenges I had to face in my second year not for once thinking I would be facing such difficult challenges in my third year so I guess it makes you think how things can change so rapidly from one day to the next and also how the next years in our life are going to be filled with so many different occasions, situations, difficulties, laughs, tears, shocks, surprises both good and bad as well as completely life changing moments in which you will look back at yourself and think 'Wow how lucky was I to be where I was then?'.

I do this quite a lot recently when I look back at when I was much younger and all I ever wanted to do was grow up and be an adult, completely not appreciating the fact that I was in perhaps what was the easiest and happiest time of my least so far and didn't realize exactly what it meant to be an adult, but I'm sure we all go through. I always knew

University was in my future yet somehow my impression of it was's not bad different..just..interesting different and it does make us grow up in so many different ways. Perhaps this is the last bit of our youth that we have to grab onto and should incessantly appreciate where we are now seeing as we have NOOO clue what's in store for us...but then again..isn't that what makes life exciting?