I went to Amsterdam this weekend from early morning Sunday 13th February to Monday 14th late at night. I don’t think 2 days and 1 night is enough to get a good feel of Amsterdam, however, if I had to spend another day there I would have gone completely crazy.
Second – It felt as though everyone living there doesn’t live in reality. Yes everything is relaxed and calm, but I think people need to snap out of it too and try to make something out of their lives. But perhaps I misunderstood what I saw.
Third – Everything is about Sex and Drugs. Everywhere you go, that’s what you see. It is a very adult city to be in; there are no children around, which is understandable but also strange. We probably saw about 3 babies, but they were really small and recently born, taking that out, no children and nothing there that appeals to children in any way.
Fifth – There are cats in so many of the shops and coffee shops!! It’s so cute, but they do all look high, which is funny but cruel. It’s not surprising with the amount of weed around there.
Sixth – In terms of transport!!! Wow...I mean...the majority of the people there ride bikes!! Instead of car parks, we saw bike parks, which is crazy!! It’s brilliant, I love it. However, being a pedestrian is like being at the bottom of the food chain!! There are specific roads and crossings for bikes, cars, buses, trams, so while you’re walking you literally have to look everywhere at once! I don’t know HOW I didn’t get run over!!! The trains are super cool too!!! We were so excited because the trains and double-decker trains, so sitting on top was awesome!
Seventh – Red Light District, perhaps the most degrading, humiliating thing I have ever seen in my life. Maybe it’s because I’m a gender egalitarian who fights for women’s rights at every turn, that it was so difficult to witness. It’s so sad that women are literally in a shop...behind glass windows waiting to be sold....just like the sex objects that are literally only good for that – Sex...objectifying women as always. Feels like the battle I fight for will never be won. It goes against everything I fight for. I’m glad I saw it though...but heartbreaking nonetheless.
All in all..it was definitely an experience.
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