I just canooott believe it is the last week of first term ALREADY!! This is insane - 6 more months and Uni is OVER for me! Done! Finito!! How scary..what does that mean? It means I need to try and make the most out of every second left here, except thats kinda hard considering I'm in my 3rd year and have ridiculous amounts of work. Yes...most of the fun days are over, but its ok, let's not forget the whole Work Hard & Play Hard!! Last week and this week consist of finishing off all pieces of coursework due for this term including my Literature Review..I can't believe how many hours I spend doing that!! However, the sense of relief when it's submitted is wonderful :) So along with all the work there has been some partying too. You see...being in a University in London means we meet people from around the world, I myself am foreign as I am South African and Portuguese...and my whole group of friends are from all over the world too, countries like:
- Russia
- Germany
- Turkey
- Brazil
- Albania
- Malta
- Greece
- America (one from New York, another from Texas and another from Pennsylvania
(This was funny when we all went to an Italian restaurant, in England to celebrate the American tradition 'Thanksgiving' .. is that cross-cultural or what?!?! Ahh the wonders of Globalization! )
This basically means that this weekend, they are all leaving back to their countries leaving me on my lonesome..this sucks but we are trying to get everyone together as much as possible before they all leave - last Saturday we had a nice flat party at my flat and tomorrow we are going Ice Skating (never been before, and yes, its gonna hurt lol), and friday going to Ministry of Sound and Saturday going to central to go clubbing it up - HELL YEAHH !!! Hehehe It's nice to keep busy. The only sad part about this is though we have an amazing group of friends, and we love the fact we are from all around the world, most will leave for good eventually, and one girl the one from Germany is an Erasmus student which means I'm losing a very good friend, but thats life - Everything is just so fleeting... the key is in LIVING IN THE MOMENT ! :)
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