
Thursday, 27 October 2011

Graduation....yes..GRADUATION!!!!! :O

Graduation is one of those moments in one’s life where you life flashes before your eyes and you can’t believe you’re where you are...graduating...University life over...student accommodation gone...studying over...
Such a bitter sweet moment!!!
For the most part it is a sense of pride in that you achieved a goal that you have been working towards for the past 3 years...or depending on your perspective, your whole life thus far! There’s also a quiet but very strong sense of community with the people graduating with you...the people who know exactly what it cost to get where we are and also with those who taught us! It’s like you suddenly become part of a secret society and there is nothing and nobody who will be able to take your degree away from you!
Also wanted to add how proud I am of all my friends, studying and graduating with them was an honour J
I spent the whole year telling myself over and over that no matter what happened this year, I would graduate!! And I would do my absolute best to get a 1st! I was, however, happy to accept a 2.1 I fought and fought even when some days were crushing me down mercilessly! But friends and family always helped – always made sure I didn’t lose sight of my end goal!!
I achieved my Upper Class 2.1 (which is fancy for a high 2.1) and I graduated on the 20th July
2011 !!!!! :D
This was the moment I had been dreaming about and working endlessly to get to.
The absolute best part of it was having my mom and dad literally would not have been the same without them there. Knowing I made them so proud and that they were well aware of my blood sweat and tears over the last 3 years, was the most wonderful and engulfing feeling, which I couldn’t have been able to imagine before.
Oh My God!!! And have I mentioned the exquisite feeling of wearing the graduation robes and hat?!?!?!?!    A-Frikkin-MAZING!! If I could’ve taken it home I would definitely have ended up wearing it once in a blue moon when I thought nobody would be watching and I would be a secret loser for a day...something like how every women wants to try on a wedding dress and just wear it for a day just for the fun of it!!! Hahahaha....
This probably all sounds so typical and cliché but it is one of those things you’re definitely going to have to experience for yourselves :D

SO NEVER LOSE SIGHT OF YOUR GOALS!!!!! When you achieve them......its UNBELIEVABLE!!! :D

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