
Wednesday, 15 June 2011

Exams..End of Year

It is times like these that I really start to realise just how fast time flies!!! I mean seriously..this year passed to quickly, I feel like I just started my 3rd year a few days ago..and here I am..sitting in my room, with less than 2 weeks left before I move out  of student accommodation with all my coursework finished and all my exams done and dusted about a month ago already!!! It’s unbelievable!! I think that I am young (which I am..20 years old..but 21 next week WOOO J) yet before I know I will be 30..then 40..then 50..hopefully J It just reminds me that I don’t want to waste time and I need to get going and get stuff done before my life flies before my eyes. Not to be dramatic or depressing, it’s just reality.

In terms of coursework, I mean I understand that every degree is hard and people seriously underestimate University students by thinking that all we do is hang out and go out partying, its hard work and some have even said its harder than when they were working! But anyway, my particular degree seemed to have much more coursework than that of a lot of my friends. In March which was when my dissertation was due..I had 6 pieces of coursework to give in, but that was in the space of like 2 weeks !!! It is unbelievable to me that we had to focus on 5 other pieces of coursework while trying to finish our dissertation. Surely we should finish all other coursework and then simply focus on dissertation?! That would make more sense right? Seeing as it is so important and it is something that employers are going to be asking us about therefore it has to be relatively good! In any case, I got it all done somehow..which still feels like I didn’t! Feels like I still have stuff to do which I have forgotten about. But thats probably because I still have so much going on in my life.

In terms of exams, at least I only had 2, which were 3 days apart and which included a 5000 word portfolio worth 90% on the day of my first exam – Friday 13th!! Great!! But I feel quite positive about them...I’m literally just waiting for both those grades now. I still cannot believe I have finished University.

I found out that my graduation date will be on the 20th July at 6.15pm !!! That’s crazy, I’m super surprised that it’s so late, but oh well I just want to graduate!!! The whole graduation process is a business..and I’m sure they earn quite a nice profit. I have spent quite a bit of money on graduation tickets, the gown, hat and photographs, which I had to save up for! But I only graduate once, so I might as well do it right, don’t you think? Just the other day I was 18 and leaving my dad’s place to move into my uni room and crying my eyes out thinking I wasn’t ready for Uni – felt like I was too young to be moving out, and here I am, nearly 21 years old about to graduate and facing much bigger and harder problems which I will share in a later blog.

So Conclusion:

- Life flies by so make sure you enjoy it
- Life is hard so make sure you stay strong, wise and don’t let people mess you around
- University life is great so enjoy every second of it and don’t take it for granted
- Hard work pays off
- If you think Uni is hard, wait till you finish ;)


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