Dissertation. This single word seems to be enough to explain everything I feel when I say it or read it. But I think it is something that only those who have done a dissertation can completely understand. In a way, I’m glad to have been a part of something that students go through all over the world. We all feel each other’s pain; we’re on the same wavelength and for once, everyone agrees on one thing:
it is an exhausting process that for several months on end, takes over your life completely, and everytime you panic and have a sort of break down, you just know you have to pick yourself back up again and keep going because...well...you have no choice if you want to finish your degree. We all use words such as: Chapters, Abstract, Methodology, Research Philosophy, Key Findings, SPSS software, Ackowledgements, and the fine details of Harvard Referencing. I feel this unites us. This first picture is perfect and its actually a question I had to keep asking myself, and I had to keep reminding myself that I WANT A GOOD DEGREE!! I WANT TO GRADUATE!! I WANT TO WEAR THAT GOWN!! I WANT AT LEAST A 2.1. And all of that means dedication and a constant search for self-motivation deep within our being.

While I was searching for pictures for this blog, several pictures on Google were quite funny and I really wanted to share this one in particular. This picture shows the worst defences for dissertations but they all feel quite true to a certain extent.
I have never in my life dedicated so much time to coursework. I mean..I have spent many long nights working on assignments but never to this extent. It has literally been my life for several months. Night and day. 3 or 4 hours sleep whenever I had the time. However, seeing the end result is very satisfying, albeit scary. Its strange seeing such a big project finally finished and its a very weird feeling. I submitted it last week Monday, 21st March and I can honestly say I was happy with the end result. Now I will be checking my grades every day frantically, as I CAN’T WAIT to see the results!!! Even though I haven’t finished my degree yet, it does feel like a big part or phase of my life has finished.
This picture is also quite good, as it felt like every breathing moment was about my Dissertation. Constantly floating in your head. Dreaming about it even. I don’t think there are words to really describe this process.
Good luck to everyone who will do a Dissertation one day.
You really put good words coming from a grad student. In addition, grad student should be discourage if they are spending 5 or more years working with their master dissertation paper. Some just have to deal with problems in life everyday and it can eat a lot of time that you can spend on dissertation writing. So, even how many years you spent writing, just think that after all of it, you can then enjoy the post-dissertation life.