Oh.my.goodness. I am in love with Paris!!!! It’s actually amazing...I don’t understand how so many people have told me that Paris is ‘ok’ there is nothing just ‘ok about Paris!!!! My boyfriend and I went there from the 2nd to 3rd May. Ok..so..maybe that wasn’t the best time to go...it turned out that I didn’t actually manage to finish my last assignment in advance which I thought would prevent me from enjoying the trip..but no no...I managed somehow :D In addition, I also had my first exam the next week (Friday 13th) as well as my last assignment due. But I will talk about my exams in my next blog ;)
The first day was super tiring...I mean...we had slept 3 hours before the flight and it wasn’t a deep sleep at all...you know what its like sleeping during the day...and the excitement doesn’t let you sleep either!! So our flight was at 6am so we had to be there at 4am but leave the house at 1am to get the EasyBus at 2pm at Victoria coach station...we got to Paris at 7am our time but 8am Paris time. We got to our Oops! hostel in Avenue des Gobelins but turns out we couldn’t be in our room from 11am until 4pm !!!!!!! HOW CRAZY IS THAT ?!?!? You pay for a room but you can’t be in it for most of the day!! Its ridiculous...turns out its because they have to clean the rooms..but seriously...5 hours?? Its not that big a hostel...perhaps they only have one cleaner?? I don’t know..in any case..we didn’t wanna be in the room all day...but on the first day we desperately needed a nap!!!
But anyway...we began by just walking around...the houses/flats everywhere in Paris are just gorgeous and SO CUTE they all have these really cute balconies that make everything look so romantic !!! And the underground is great..super old school!!! Apparently the first underground ever made was in Paris which then I guess London copied and managed to make some improvements and modernise them a bit. Anyway....we went on a free tour with a lady telling us all about the history of Paris..but we gave up half way because we simply couldn’t walk anymore and
decided to go on those bus tours...you know the ones that are open on top?? Yeah..hilarious I know..super tourist style!!
Afterwards we decided to have some lunch and then we went to the Eiffel Tower...we didn’t go to the top this day...we just wanted to see the lights!! So we got there at 8pm, nothing happened..so we waited another hour and at 9pm the Eiffel Tower started glowing as they turned on these orangey lights..and in another hours time at 10pm it started sparkling!!!! Most beautiful thing I have ever seen...I just couldn’t get my eyes off it...its a definite WOW moment for sure!! On the way we saw a couple that we had seen at the very beginning of the day which were pretty awesome so we decided to have a drink with them as we were staying on the same road somehow!!! The drinks were simply extortionate I don’t know how anyone gets drunk in Paris without spending hundreds of euros!!! The gin and tonic had to be paid separately, and the guy’s Jack Daniels was like 8 euros for only about 0.25mls!!! My rose was 4 euros which wasn’t too bad. We then ran back to the hostel which we were sharing with 2 Canadian girls who were quite nice and not rock’n’roll people so we were all able to have a peaceful sleep.
We woke up at 8am sharp..had some breakfast at the hostel which of course included the infamous Croissants and headed off to see as many famous sights as possible. First of all we wanted to climb the Eiffel Tower this time!!! We ended up waiting in a huge queue for about an hour ½ and the scariest part is going up in the lift coz you can see everything outside and yes the view is amazing but I think seeing the Eiffel Tower from the outside is much more breath taking. We saw the Notre Dame which was AMAZING!!! The details of the architecture are unbelievable and on the inside there is such a great atmosphere!! We then decided to go on a 12 Euro boat tour on the River Seine which I really loved..it gave us historic details of over 30 bridges including one bridge which represents their friendship with Russia and another one representing their friendship with Egypt etc including the oldest bridge which has the drunk faces of over 300 people from centuries ago which was great!!!!
We then had to run back to the hostel because the underground stopped working at 1.30am. The next day was our last day...we had pre-paid tickets for the Louvre. I must say I was a little disappointed...its just a museum..like any other museum...so I think it is a bit overrated. However I did see Mona Lisa and Aphrodite – Venus de Milo and a sculpture of Mary Magdalene they were all great but its just too big and apparently if you spend one minute looking at each painting/sculpture it will take you 4 months :O !!! Insane right?!?!
Anyway we left after ¾ hours and decided to lay down on the grass as it was a beautiful hot day and we actually fell asleep..I PASSED OUT..literally my bf was talking to me and calling out my name and nothing was waking me up hahaha nothing like a nap in the sun..Siesta time for me :D Anyway..we had to make our way to the airport Paris Charles De Gaulles and our flight was 2 hours delayed so we waited in the airport 5 hours playing hangman and Battle of the Ships which was pretty fun and then because the flight was delayed we couldn’t get on the EasyBus to Victoria coach station so we had to pay AGAIN for the bus (£15) and then a cab from there to my place which was £25!! The whole trip back was stressful and not so cool...but hey the experience was ABSOLUTELY FANTASTIC!!!
My goal is to live and/or work there for at least 6 months at some point in my life because its just stunning :D I RECOMMEND IT TO EVERYONE !!!!! Just make sure u eat mcdonalds coz restaurants are a bit of a piss take tbh.
Anyway....I have blabbered on for long enough!!!! Pardonnez moi!!!
AU REVOIR!!!!!! :))))))